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WE BELIEVE in God's Holy Word

We believe that marriage was created, sanctioned and blessed by God as the union between one man and one woman and any deviation from this God-ordained arrangement is not in accordance with the revealed will of God in the Bible [Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5].

We believe that although we live in the world, we are not of the world. Our focus and affections should be set on the things of God and not on things of the earth [Col 3:1-2]. Our true citizenship is in heaven [Luke 10:20] and we long for that heavenly home and have no attachment to the things that this world offers us. The bible teaches that we are in a war and good soldiers should not allow themselves to become involved in the affairs of the world [2 Tim 2:4]. This would distract them from the battle and their real purpose for living, which is to please God and keep His commandments [Ecc 12:13].

There is no biblical evidence that Jesus, his disciples or any of the prophets and teachers ever taught, encouraged or commanded anyone to become involved in any of the numerous affairs, activities, causes, movements, organizations, etc. of the world [Matt 6:33]. In fact, just the opposite was taught [2 Tim 2:4]. We are strangers and pilgrims on this earth [1 Peter 2:11, Heb 11:13]. The role of Christians in any society or culture is to pray for those that have authority over us in these areas so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives in service to our God without interference [1 Tim 2:1-4]. We believe that the sovereign God rules in the kingdom of men and He directs the affairs of the nations, kingdoms and countries of the world in whatever ways He chooses [Daniel 4:17-32] and does not require our assistance in these matters.



We believe the Bible to be the revealed word of God to mankind and is completely inspired or literally God-breathed [2 Tim 3:16]. The Bible was given to man in two phases or covenants, often called testaments. We believe the first covenant consists of a collection of law, history, poetry and prophetical writings, which supplies a basis for knowing and understanding who God is and how He began and worked His plan through the Jewish nation to ultimately redeem man through the birth of the Messiah [Rom 15:4].


The second covenant covers the coming of that Messiah and how He established the church through which God’s truth concerning salvation and deliverance from the power of sin and the devil would be proclaimed [Eph 3:10]. We believe God’s message to man through this medium is without error or omission and came directly from God, transmitted to us through the prophets and apostles by the Holy Spirit [2 Peter 1:21].


We believe that baptism is a burial or immersion into water and is an act of faith [Romans 6:3-5]. It is the point of entrance into the kingdom of God, (the Church) and Christ. We further believe scripture teaches that baptism is the only way for a person to get in Christ where all spiritual blessings reside [Eph 1:3]. It is through this act that man receives the Holy Spirit as a gift from God [Acts 2:38]. Through obedience to and belief in this operation of God [Col 2:12], a person’s sins are washed away and they are made pure spiritually before God [Acts 22:16]. Through this process, they become children and heirs [Rom 8:14-17] of God establishing a relationship. The power of sin is broken [Rom 6:6-7] and a new life begins in Christ [Romans 6:3]. We also believe that baptism is done by the authority given to Jesus by God the Father [Matt 28:18-20].


We believe that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s commandment in the Garden of Eden, they let sin into the world [Gen 3:14-17, Rom 3:23]. As a result, all humans since Adam’s time are born separated from God and subject to not only physical death, but also spiritual death or eternal separation from God [Isaiah 59:2, Rom 5:12]. Therefore, salvation is the deliverance from this inevitable event by being reconciled back to God through obedience to the message of this Son, Jesus Christ, as found in the Gospel [2 Cor 5:20-21, 1 Cor 15:1-2]. Anyone rejecting this gospel message is bound for hell and eternal separation from God after death [1 Pet 4:17]. However, those who repent of their sins upon a confession of faith in Jesus as the Son of God and are baptized, and walk in obedience to the Word, have heaven as their destination after death [Mark 16:16] and will forever be with the Lord.


We believe heaven is a real place where God lives and reigns sovereign. Jesus has gone there to prepare a place for the redeemed [John 14:1-3], the church. It is a place so grand and glorious that our minds are not capable of visualizing the wonderful things God has prepared for us [1 Cor 2:9]. God wants us to be where He is [John 14:3] and through obedience to His word by living a faithful life, [2 Tim 4:7-8] we will receive a crown of righteousness and live with Him in heaven forever.


We believe that Hell is a real place. A place where those who choose not to obey the gospel and live in disobedience to God’s commands will be confined for all eternity after judgment [1 Peter 4:17, Heb 9:27]. It is where fire burns constantly [Mark 9:46] and is never quenched [Matt 25:41]. Their reward will be everlasting punishment away from God in this place.


We believe that marriage was created, sanctioned and blessed by God as the union between one man and one woman and any deviation from this God-ordained arrangement is not in accordance with the revealed will of God in the Bible [Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5].


We believe that although we live in the world, we are not of the world. Our focus and affections should be set on the things of God and not on things of the earth [Col 3:1-2]. Our true citizenship is in heaven [Luke 10:20] and we long for that heavenly home and have no attachment to the things that this world offers us. The bible teaches that we are in a war and good soldiers should not allow themselves to become involved in the affairs of the world [2 Tim 2:4]. This would distract them from the battle and their real purpose for living, which is to please God and keep His commandments [Ecc 12:13].

There is no biblical evidence that Jesus, his disciples or any of the prophets and teachers ever taught, encouraged or commanded anyone to become involved in any of the numerous affairs, activities, causes, movements, organizations, etc. of the world [Matt 6:33]. In fact, just the opposite was taught [2 Tim 2:4]. We are strangers and pilgrims on this earth [1 Peter 2:11, Heb 11:13]. The role of Christians in any society or culture is to pray for those that have authority over us in these areas so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives in service to our God without interference [1 Tim 2:1-4]. We believe that the sovereign God rules in the kingdom of men and He directs the affairs of the nations, kingdoms and countries of the world in whatever ways He chooses [Daniel 4:17-32] and does not require our assistance in these matters.



Man is a free moral agent. We believe that man is not and cannot be forced to believe in God or anything else. He is free to choose what he will and will not believe, to obey or not to obey [Josh 24:15]. While God’s desire is for all to be saved [2 Peter 3:9], some will choose not to obey God and be lost [1 Tim 2:4].

1819 Jewella Ave. Shreveport, LA 71109     318.635.2550

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